Reassessment of Need for the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project

Reassessment of Need for the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project

This report concludes that the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion project (TMX) is not needed to meet forecasted Canadian capacity needs. The author, J. David Hughes, also demonstrates that contrary to claims that bringing heavy oil to tidewater for export to Asia will fetch a higher price, it will likely instead sell at a loss of $4-$6 per barrel. 

Arguments for TMX look even worse in the context of Canada’s commitment to net-zero emissions by 2050 as TMX will exacerbate Canada’s emissions reduction problem by incentivizing additional oil production growth Hughes says, adding that as it stands Canada has no viable plan to even meet the Paris Agreement, let alone the federal government’s promise of net-zero emissions by 2050.

A Lonely Year on Campus

A Lonely Year on Campus

THE MORNING OF March 13, 2020, began like a snow day. My roommates and I, all four of us University of Toronto undergraduates, woke up to find out that in-person classes would be cancelled. We slung the news up and down the stairs of our rented house in astonishment: students often joke that U of T doesn’t close for anything except a world war. Of course, that was two days after the World Health Organization had declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic, and our excitement quickly dissipated as we realized the gravity of the shifts taking place around us.

Anti-Maskers Are Attempting to Make the Republican Party a Thing in Canada

Anti-Maskers Are Attempting to Make the Republican Party a Thing in Canada

At a gathering of thousands of anti-maskers in Toronto in October, Rob Carbone, the proud face of the Canadian Republican Party, stood centre stage and was decreed as the anti-maskers’ candidate in a non-existent Canadian election. 

“Donald Trump is going to win the (U.S.) election,” one of the anti-mask organizers told the hyped-up crowd. “And once he wins he’s going to endorse Mr. Carbone of the Republican Party of Canada. Repeat after me: ‘Trump and Carbone.’”


Trudeau's fake feminist foreign policy targets progressives

Trudeau's fake feminist foreign policy targets progressives

Like a cereal company marketing sugar-covered GMO cornflakes as a "healthy breakfast," Justin Trudeau's government spouts progressive buzzwords that mask elitist, pro-corporate policies.

As part of their self-declared "feminist foreign policy," the Liberals established a Feminist International Assistance Policy (FIAP), convened the first ever women foreign ministers' meeting, and appointed an Ambassador for Women, Peace and Security.

Considered in isolation, each of these initiatives is praiseworthy. The problem is the government's broader foreign policy is decidedly non-feminist, and their "feminist" marketing legitimates those policies.

‘It kind of defeats the purpose’: Yukon won’t pause mineral staking for Dawson land use planning

‘It kind of defeats the purpose’: Yukon won’t pause mineral staking for Dawson land use planning

To the north of Dawson City, Yukon, lies a large swath of relatively undisturbed wilderness that caught the eye of Art Webster, the former vice-chair of the Dawson Regional Planning Commission.

But in order to protect the landscape, the commission would have to get to it before the miners — a race Webster increasingly felt like the Yukon government was setting him up to lose.

Ford government to take powers away from conservation authorities

Ford government to take powers away from conservation authorities

The Doug Ford government is rewriting the rules for agencies that protect Ontario watersheds, undermining their powers and allowing developers to skip checks and balances, environmental advocates say.

In Ontario, 36 conservation authorities manage hazards like flood control and water quality, issue permits for construction in areas near crucial waterways and oversee conservation lands.

The changes to the rules governing them undermine the agencies’ ability to ensure development in flood-plains is done safely, said Conservation Ontario, a non-profit representing the 36 conservation authorities.

Trump is gone and Trumpism is here to stay

Trump is gone and Trumpism is here to stay

Progressives all over the world should take a moment to celebrate the significance of Joe Biden’s election victory. From a Canadian perspective, Trump’s corrosive impact was most acutely felt when you are America’s closest neighbour. Biden’s presidency will mark the end of that erratic policy and is expected to rekindle US-Canadian cooperation. But the forces that Trump has helped to unleash are the ‘new normal’ and will require decisive action to defeat.

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