‘A community that won’t back down’: The battle at Land Back Lane

‘A community that won’t back down’: The battle at Land Back Lane

Skyler Williams walked out the door that night, wondering if he’d make it back home.

He was there after they shot Dudley George dead at Ipperwash. Just a scrawny teenager in 1995, he skipped school so he could stand shoulder to shoulder with the warriors at Ipperwash Provincial Park, reclaiming land taken by the Canadian government during World War II.

Amazon warehouse workers in Canada pushed into dangerous race against time

Amazon warehouse workers in Canada pushed into dangerous race against time

Amazon warehouse workers say a version of the company’s infamous “time off task” productivity-monitoring system is operational in Canada — and it’s pushing them to race against seemingly arbitrary digital timers, at the expense of their health.

Court documents in the United States show that Amazon uses the scanners to help monitor workers’ productivity. Back in 2018 an attorney for Amazon confirmed there are penalties for too much “time off task” between scans.

Super-rich buying up 'Downton Abbey estates' to escape pandemic

Super-rich buying up 'Downton Abbey estates' to escape pandemic

he world’s super-rich are seeking to escape from coronavirus lockdowns in cities by buying multimillion-pound English country estates to create Downton Abbey lifestyles, complete with butlers, cooks, housekeepers and armies of gardeners.

Estate agents are reporting a surge in sales of vast country estates and former castle properties, which until Covid-19 struck had become increasingly hard to shift as the richest of the rich instead opted to live in luxurious skyscraper penthouses, on tropical islands or superyachts.

The cult of Q? How QAnon is rallying Trump supporters and frightening experts in extremism

The cult of Q? How QAnon is rallying Trump supporters and frightening experts in extremism

Since 2017, QAnon posts have appeared on the online forums 4chan and 8kun, painting an unfounded and dramatic picture of the Democratic party and American “deep state” as the orchestrators of a criminal pedophilic cabal, which Trump is cast as quietly dismantling. It extends to Canada too — the Washington Post on Friday reported Canadian QAnon boards falsely claiming Justin Trudeau was planning “millitary intervention on American soil” in response to Trump’s refusal to concede the presidential election.

The terminal politics of ‘more of the same’

The terminal politics of ‘more of the same’

With the American election looming, it appeared that a resounding defeat might be in the works for Trump and his Republican enablers. Nevertheless, it was clear that Democratic contender Joe Biden was not exactly setting the country alight with enthusiasm. The vote appeared to be not less a choice between the two rivals than a question of accepting or rejecting Trump. As it was, Biden was forced to run a much closer race than had been anticipated.

Biden had been given the nod by his party as an impeccable representative of the neoliberal centre. In June, he had assured a gathering of wealthy donors that his actions in government would not have any significant financial impact on them and that “nothing would fundamentally change.” He even stressed that the rich should not be blamed for income inequality and told the monied interests that “I need you very badly.”

Over 100 Private Companies Lobbied Alberta’s Ministry of Health in Just the Last Few Months

Over 100 Private Companies Lobbied Alberta’s Ministry of Health in Just the Last Few Months

As Jason Kenney’s UCP government takes steps to privatize Alberta healthcare services during a pandemic, lobbyists representing for-profit health companies have been lining-up outside Alberta Health Minister Tyler Shandro’s door.

A new review of lobbying records by PressProgress shows a flurry of activity this fall from private companies that specialize in private health services.

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