Sweetheart deal sets dangerous precedent in an economy filled with corporate sharks
The leaders of Canada’s horrific and dishonest pandemic response deserve an electoral wipe-out
It didn't have to be this way. Trudeau failed to shut the border. Ford failed to stop the spread. Both were dishonest with voters at the most critical moments. Both deserve voters' wrath.
Strike Breaking Is A Labour Of Love For Federal Liberals
By breaking the strike at the Port of Montreal, the federal government is showing its hand: It’s here for them, not you.
High-tech contact lenses are straight out of science fiction — and may replace smart phones
Contact lenses are the result of an accidental discovery made during the Second World War. Ophthalmologist Harold Ridley noticed that despite acrylic plastic shrapnel shards becoming embedded in the eyes of fighter pilots, it did not appear to cause any harm. This finding eventually led to the creation of hard intraocular lenses for the treatment of cataracts.
Doug Ford Is Using The Pandemic To Criminalize Tenant Organizing
In the midst of a pandemic, Ford has empowered landlords and police to impose greater discipline and hardship on working-class people.
If You Want to Avoid the Variants, Read This
In the debate over how COVID-19 travels, the answer is clear. We must guard against aerosol spread.
Laurentian University crisis a story of political interference and defunding of education
The interpandemic gouging of the public sector has begun. And they've targeted an easy sector for the kill.
How to save 30 per cent of Canada’s lands and waters by 2030
Doubling the country’s protected areas would help conserve biodiversity and store carbon, but with competing land uses like agriculture and natural resource extraction, we’ll need innovative solutions to make it happen
The BC Budget: What We Like and What's Missing
The NDP government in BC put forward their 2021 budget on Tuesday. We give our thoughts.
Biden’s Earth Day summit shows Canada is stuck in the slow lane on climate
Federal government must follow U.S. shift away from highway expansion