Opinions & Analysis

Proper funding for women's health research could save lives during pandemic

Proper funding for women's health research could save lives during pandemic

Women’s health research is chronically underfunded, and women’s health receives little attention across the spectrum of health research, from funding to academic opportunities. Although steps have been taken to incorporate sex and gender-based analysis (SGBA) into research in Canada, there is a continued lack of analyses of sex and gender across health research areas. This lack of attention paid to SGBA and to women’s health research has led to misdiagnoses, minimized symptoms and poorly targeted treatment in women.

Universal childcare at last, or will we be duped again?

Universal childcare at last, or will we be duped again?

One of the hoariest political cliches is that timing is everything. But beyond the timing of an election, or a cabinet shuffle and other purely strategic calculations, there is another arena where it is equally true: new program launches.

To the eternal frustration of social democrats, who are often the first to campaign for progressive social and economic justice policies in the Western democracies, it is often a larger party to their right who finally implements them and gets the political credit.

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